Milan Bourgeon
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Hello, I'm Milan, just graduated from art school. I look foward to create and share some nice stuff with you people !

"Even" is a sci-fi neutral-evil character, who lives in a not so far aways futur . He is using dynamo-based mecanichal devices which generate energy whenever he moves. And he moves fast, really fast, thanks to his mutagenes . Sciences has made leaps forwards and can now alters easily some part of the genomes , often at the cost health, sometime sanity.

Even isn't his real name, he choses it after being forcefully enrolled by the french army( yes, not US, french this time ) for cybernetic experiments which made him waayyy above human league . He then made this weak pun. He is best at missions where quickness and true grits are needed. Bad at ones which requires diplomacy and humor.

Started with some little body/clothes sketchs

I'll be posting my progress overtime so any feedback is highly appreciated!

9 days later

Hello dear community,

I wasn't satisfied with the plot so I uploaded the background of the character, for practical issue.

Even is now more of a soldier belonging to a sci fi metal gearish kind of worlds, with exosquelettons / nanomachines. I still retains his fast moving ability and dynamo based storage. The dynamo is used to generate stun-type ammo (like stun guns) and can throw some lighting bolt when its fully charged. His weapon his UZI type and can generate some electric field/ energy beam.

Here is a portrait sketch and a couple of lining to define the design a bit more. I went with something military to give it a more sci fi vibe, as it was difficult to make it clear what universe / functions he belonged to with just some leather / modern clothes. So its a design change for practical issue.

I'll upload shaded version soon and add the design sheet within a couple of day. Still need to design the gun beforehand, then i'll move on to the illustration.

Amazing story, its interesting how he is like special from the others through mutagenes and stuff. I like the portrait as well man! So far I like the design and the concept of your character so keep it up! I wanna see how this goes :smile:

Thanks a lot Kreyhardt ! Glad you like it ! I'll try to make it progress smoothly within the time remaining.

Here are a few shading to help define local values and materials, I think so far the one at the right with metallic outfit is my favourite. What do you think? I'll iterate next local values/materials, and add the guns research.

Nice! His abilities are quite interesting, can't wait to see him in action, keep it up! :+1:

Hi !
Here is my new update, had some littles troubles for the back view as i'm not so used to it as the front view, but finally finished my linework. Now the fun begins, i'll render it quickly and use the remaining 3-4 days for the illustration.

What do you think? any cc is welcome, especially for the top part of the back, the spine and such, i'm not so sure about this part of the design yet, any reference / critics is welcome.

About the gunplug, Even charges himself up while moving and can plug his gun to his arm to transfer cinetic energy from his body to his UZI rail gun. you can check the energy counter on his back spine, the tube thing (very similar concept to dead space health bar). Does it seems logical / appealing to you? Or maybe the gun could have a dynamo in itself, and so could the body armor.