I like this one aswell but I'm afraid she would look too much like a draenei. But I will give it a try while working on clothes. Thank you for your feedback !
Bow concepts (part 2)
First of all, let me tell you more about the bow itself:
Sunbeam was forged during dark times. A long time ago, some dark forces decided to destroy the moon, so that the sun would shine every day and night, as there was nothing else to take it's place. The inhabitants of this world started to starve, as the land was getting dryer and water became a rare and expensive resource. The god of Light had pity of them. However, he could remodel the sun but couldn't destroy it.
To end the people's fateful destiny, he decided to forge a mighty weapon, which would be able to break the sun. For this, he used one of the sun's own ray, some golden metal, which was melted using the sun's own fire, and some magic cloth, which could resist to any temperature. He called it "Sunbeam" and gave it to his greater champion, Lysrel.
So, today I've focused on giving some volume to the silhouettes 2, 3, 4 as I couldn't choose between any of those three.
I did my best to find good shapes for #4, but I feel like it wasn't very concluding and the #3 seems a bit flat, however, I really like the #2, what do you guys think ?