Personal details:

Name: Clint Lockwood

Hey everyone!

Tough decision--Scifi vs. Fantasy-- but I'm going to fight on the side of fantasy this time around.

Let me introduce Monotropa, the Ghost Pipe. A quiet warlock from deep within the forest, Monotropa siphons excess energy from trees to summon his spectral myco-familiars. Enraged by Sci-fi's often frequent disregard and destruction of nature, Monotropa enters the fray.

My champion is based off the plant Monotropa uniflora. Sometimes known as the Corpse plant, the ghost plant, or simply Indian pipe.

Character Color Exploration:

First sketches:
Originally was considering a large pipe as his only weapon, the smoke of which would act as the means by which he summons his minions. Currently leaning more towards a more traditional staff and a separate pipe.

I love this idea)
The 2 shcetch is my cup of tea, it is a little strange & very interesting :smile:
Good luck man) Waiting for the continue)))

Cool idea! Have you thought about making him a bit more muscular and turning his pipe into a mace-like weapon ? The idea of minions with this guys reminds me of Overlord games for some reason.

the idea of a giant pipe is cool that's something that i've never seen ;3 am sure that idea will bring you HIGH ^-^ lol

@justartress Thanks so much! I hope it'll continue to be something you like!
@flyingboar I did think of that! As I was drawing it I was reminded a lot of the hunting horns from Monster Hunter games. Not the direction I ultimately want to take him but I was tempted!
@ludocreator Lul. Thanks!

Worked on some color and design. Not really sure where I want to go next.

The whole champion--design and theme-- is based around the Indian Pipe plant. Sometimes also called a ghost or corpse plant.

Really digging how all the shapes in clothing reference the plant, not only his staff. I like the fourth color scheme because of that mysterious looking gradient in the bottom and because the white hair looks stranger and more fitting to his backstory.
I wonder how his familiars would look like :3

Wow!!! The mushroom magician? :smile:
It is a really cool character and I like his look and the idea actually :wink: