Name: Andrew Kuzinskiy

Long dead and risen again Prince Mstislav, whose will was not broken by the dark forces. His second life he has devoted to destroying those who have followed the Darkness.

Final сoncept:

This illustration is have alternative name "first snowdrop".
The final illustration:


Интересное начало)/ Interesting start :+1:

amazing start looking good waiting for colored version

Interesting idea! Can't wait to see more :smile:

The begining looks awesome! Had a look of your artstation and you have some great detailed work!

Amazing progress man :smile:

9 days later

Just so you know, the concept sheet posted in the first post is not the right format so it can't be considered. Instead, we'll be using the Concept_00.jpg image since that one is the right size.

In my opinion, there is no question who the winner is. Nice work!

Congrats for being in the top 30 !! :smiley: