Hey everyone.

Red Line is the nickname of the human soldier. He got it from an ancient writing on the wall that one of the Highest Shamans did with his own blood, thousand years before the soldier was born. The writing said "11311R", the official military name of the soldier. In the past, It was unclear what the shaman meant with these numbers, but as the years passed, numbers became the essential parts of all human beings. Even though such a long time has passed, people still honored the prophecy of the Shamans, so they eventually were able to uncover the sign's meaning, and as the chosen one was discovered, they named him after it - The Red Line.

During all of it's history, mankind were attacked by Interstellar Wandereds. The Wanderers lost their home planet by depleting it's core and heating the atmosphere to the point that the planet had to be abandoned. The ones who were able to survive, boarded their ships, and joined together in a large ship flotilla, and became to wander, robbing and terrorising other planets to keep their flotilla on the go. Almost no resistance was encountered, until they discovered The Earth.
The war seemed to be unendning... untill the Hero was born.

I want to share some of the designs that I made. The story came up while I was drawing. These characters took 2 days to make, there were more drawings, but I discarded them.