Thanks a million for your kind words
i always feel that i'm still in the learning process.. and that itself helps me go forward.
i seriously don't know what to say
LOL .. even a simple yes is so lame XD but you know what .... i have the same exact reaction when i see the most realistic painting done with a simple paintbrush, on a single canvas.
A fine example, but mostly my top inspiration : http://www.helnwein.com/works/
Just see his paintings ... you'll know why i'm so obsessed with detail(s).
There are few/many people who enjoy painting on a single photoshop layer. Their works will blow anyone out of the water.
That's my driving force.
@maxloegler :
MADMAX heheee XD
Seriously bro ..... I hope you win !!!
As for me .... last few hours ... i just shut down all stupid thoughts about the many elements that had to be covered. I just jumped from one task to the next.
I thank you immensely >: hugs :< wishing you all the luck as well
Thank you my friend >:D< This challenge taught me one of many things in particular ... MULTITASKING. And i hope i make better artworks in the future.
All the best to you too ! I'm waiting for your entry!!!!!