Thanks a million for your kind words i always feel that i'm still in the learning process.. and that itself helps me go forward.
@Iago_Cavalcante i seriously don't know what to say
LOL .. even a simple yes is so lame XD but you know what .... i have the same exact reaction when i see the most realistic painting done with a simple paintbrush, on a single canvas.
A fine example, but mostly my top inspiration : http://www.helnwein.com/works/
Just see his paintings ... you'll know why i'm so obsessed with detail(s).
There are few/many people who enjoy painting on a single photoshop layer. Their works will blow anyone out of the water.
That's my driving force.
@maxloegler :
MADMAX heheee XD
Seriously bro ..... I hope you win !!!
As for me .... last few hours ... i just shut down all stupid thoughts about the many elements that had to be covered. I just jumped from one task to the next.
I thank you immensely >: hugs :< wishing you all the luck as well
Thank you my friend >:D< This challenge taught me one of many things in particular ... MULTITASKING. And i hope i make better artworks in the future.
All the best to you too ! I'm waiting for your entry!!!!!
That made me happy <3
Craig Mullins is AMAZZIING!!!! I love "BROM" too
http://www.bromart.com/ - these guys are on another level. I'm very much inspired by them.
OMG .. TEA <3 desperate for a nice fruit fusion brew. I ran out of it ... Will definitely visit my fav store this weekend and just splurge. _
By the way ... is that your kitty?? .. i have 17 cats at home @_@ .. it's a nightmare.
Amazing work man! I really like the color and your intention about this girl trying to fight her inner demons on her own, I can relate to that, all of us can, thats a nice idea. Also im surprised you used mouse for this...thats insane!!! It all turned out great man and Im really glad to see you successful here! All those efforts are indeed worth it. Keep it up man! Amazing work!
Thanks a lot bro \m/ ... very happy to see you!!
I hope you get through with whatever has been going on with your life.
I really learned a lot from this challenge, kept me busy and made me realize my responsibilities as an artist. Felt good interacting with all of you; even the 3d section as well... freakin mind-blowing. Those guys just go beyond the imaginable.
I seriously hope we will do this madness again XD ... gonna miss it big time.
Hey Nicholas \m/ Thanks a lot mate \m/
What i felt ... what i envisioned ... i did just that. Could've done it way better though.. but i was already too saturated. Had to let it go one way or the other. I lost out miserably in last two challenges mainly because i was overdoing things. This was in a way to redeem myself. Funny enough .. i'm happy that i completed it rather than the artwork itself XD LOL
I wish you all the luck!
It was really nice being here.
Hey bro
I guess everybody has been through all the stages... One day I'd really like to open the gate of "decent" creations, or at least finished one...because even when I finish it, always feel like it's never...and more time I put into this...more I feel like it's a (big) waste of time.
Remember me one of Marc advice - never put more than 8 hours in a painting (maybe I'm little wrong on that statement, so correct me if this is wrong) - something I rarely do...even my sketches could take me more time sometimes.
By the way a really interesting video - you all have to watch this please
To summarize one of the (simple) but best advice - draw every single day !
But I can guess you're all doing it
So damn true Jerome
totally agree with the hours put into a painting ... 8 hours at a stretch is insanity ...
i can't sit in one place for more than 20 mins .. i keep getting up time to time ... watch a little tv ... prepare some tea or juice ..... and then go back ... mind gets a little refreshed.
Else i get too saturated ... confused .. bored.
But yes ... i need to sketch everyday. So i can keep my mind clear of everything that's bothering me.
I bought a few sketch pens and a new artbook .. thought i would carry it with me and doodle whenever time permitted. But i guess my mind is a little too sensitive and would only allow me to do things when i'm alone or sad ... without any disturbances.
When i travel to work and then back home... i see "DETAILS" in the most common places ... slums even .. the way people live, the animals .. at times i feel for them more ... coz they aren't cared for so much.
So much to absorb .. it's overwhelming.
Once a friend of mine kept staring at me .... asked : "what's wrong? you look lost..."
I'm like that ... i'm always thinking about something ... far from reality.
There's this line :
-- But it helps me remember... I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in. -- American Beauty.
Love it...
Wish certain things didn't have an end.