good job! about the light, you are going for a night or day scene?

that's difficult. I'm not sure about that :confused: A night scene might support his character best.. I'll add some glowing mana strings so he's able to control the puppets. These will be my second light source. But I'm very unsure about the main source..

True it's a hard to find the good set up... what came to mind as type of main source is a full moon in case of a night scene. Full moon scenery are well lit despite it being night, and allow you to play with a second light as well such as the mana strings.

but does it look good if both light sources are cold?

Good job this is getting really nice! Love the texture of the masks

Nice rendering! I feel like the knife in the left hand (our left, his right) isn't held very tightly, you should angle the knife in same direction the hand is in or angle the hand so it follows the angle of the knife better!

Cool concept :smile: the triple face + puppets stringe add to the weirdness.

don't know if he wants to be described as 'weird' :smiley: I'm glad you like it, he drives me crazy with all his details >.<

By fixing a problem you actually created another one haha, at least it's something easy that if you remember will help you a lot in your work! Essentially, you want to avoid perfectly straight horizontal or vertical lines (like his knife right now) in your designs if you want them to look dynamic. It can work in a situation where you want to show stability and balance, say a knight holding a big sword in front of him. But in this situation where you're going for a very dynamic action pose, it looks off.

Other than that you've really made a great job rendering it, I can see you've improved a lot over the course of only this project! The blue smoke effect and the lighting look great, hopefully you can finish it in time!

Thank you very much for your advice! I'm already aware of this issue and tried to fix it but I don't have the time. Now the dagger isn't held very tightly again.. :confused:

:smiley: yeah your right but I improved because there are so many great people (like you) in this community who share their knowledge with others. I loved the old cubebrush community for this and I'm really happy that this support isn't lost!

I added a second doll cause he's able to control them simultaneously but I'll remove it :confused: The composition is destroyed.. I hope one doll is sufficient..

I would have loved to help you with the compotistion but it's the thing I have the most trouble with :sweat_smile:, I really like what you did so I hope you will be able to finish in time!

lol, thanks :smiley: yeah it's also difficult for me. I hope I find a solution for the second doll.. time's running >.<

Amazing job! the final result is very nice :smile:

You said you didn't have the time to fix the hand and it made me wonder, are you comfortable with the lasso tool? I use it all the time to change the placement of my elements and it takes very little time!

Thank you :smile: yeah I'm comfortable with it but it wasn't fixed by just rotating the hand. After rotating, the angle of the hand didn't fit to the angle of the arm. So I would have had to paint a complete other hand :confused: