Team: Fantasy

I N F O:
Name: Lindsey Kurkiewicz
Instagram: @

Hey guys! I'm Lindsey and I'm so freakin' pumped to be a part of this it's unreal! I've never entered in anything like this before so what I'm hoping to gain from this is: some confidence in getting my work out there, growth, critiques, and connecting / sharing / getting to know some of you lovely artists!

So letttttt'sss get started!

I've been thinking the past few days and I can't seem to decide between two of my Champion ideas.

I D E A S :

  1. I think the concept of the Zodiac is super fun, so I was thinking of doing an ethereal / earth goddess-y / high council - type Champion, comprised of the 3 earth constellations (capricorn, virgo, and taurus) ?

  2. Or maybe a wild Gypsy / wanderer / nomad Champion? Maybe taking inspiration from the people of Dorne in Game of Thrones?

Let me know which sounds more interesting if you guys have any ideas!
I'll keep playing around with the idea!

U P D A T E # 1:

Currently having one of those days where I sit for hours, stare at my screen, and come up with nothing..

Anyways, I've been trying messing around with poses, and decided I was going to stick with my first champion idea. I'll flesh out the idea more tomorrow and get a clean line work done on her, then it's off to costume design and color pallets for the concept sheet!

I feel like I talk a lot but, I need it lol, helps my mind work through things!
I'll post more tomorrow!

Interesting idea, curious to see more :smile:

11 days later

U P D A T E # 2:

Ugh! Sorry guys!

So after two weeks of being ridiculously sick, I've found time to work on this a bit more!
Currently flushing out some accessory / horn designs just to see where I want to go from there.

My process if kind of all over the place so I'm sorry if it seems overwhelming!

When doing these concepts I tried to remind myself that my champion is a goddess / warrior thing comprised of Capricorn ( a mermaid / goat ), Taurus ( a bull ), and Virgo ( a maiden ). I'm still trying to figure out how to not make her have too much going on, while also making sure the 3 signs are noticeable.
Let me know what you guys think!

Pretty cool ! Keep up like that and glad we got you back now :smile:

10 days later

U P D A T E # 3:
Many days and antibiotics later, I'm back for real!

I've been struggling a lot with her designs. I find myself liking the softer looks but as soon as I think I've settled on something I flip back and think she doesn't look "champion-y" enough. :[

I've made a few rough costume design blockouts and I think I'm really digging the middle design. I know she's still in the beginning stages and of course it's going to need to be refined, but again, she just doesn't look like a champion to me.

Should I combine a few aspects of the other designs into one? Or stick with the middle design and just play with it?
What do you guys think?

Glad we got you back! :smile:
Keep up the good work !

LOL good to be back, thanks for being the one and only true feedback I get <3 @rgdraw

Really nice lineart and designs :wink:
Have you decided yet which of the 3 will you take for the final one ?

I have the feeling the second and third design fit better for her.
Combining them could be awesome too :smile:
For instance second top + third dress.

Have fun & good luck to choose !

I agree with mr_dessin that the third skirt / dress thing is really nice. Keep playing around with it though! I always find that the more designs I do the better they end up being.

Thanks guys, I'm gonna try combining aspects of the second and third design like suggested! Some shots will be up by tonight or tomorrow morning!

U P D A T E # 4:

Wip of the final character design! Making it up as I go currently lol!
These are the two hairstyles I'm between right now, (forever stuck between hard and soft looks) let me know what you guys think!
Will upload more tomorrow!

U P D A T E # 5:

A little bit more progress on the lower body! Thinking about giving her shoulder pads to match the armored skirt. I know I was digging the soft look but she's still not screaming champion / person of importance to me :[

I kinda just see her as a villager right now. UHG! Going to keep playing with it.


U P D A T E # 6:

Finally have a solidified character, and it only took what felt like YEARS. I'm not going to lie, I've been having a really rough time staying motivated. Don't know what's wrong with me lately! I'm not 100% happy with my character but I'm making the most of it.

Here are a few color palettes, (I name them because it helps me feel organized lol idk) from left to right there's: Day, Night, Canyon, and Meadow.

I'm leaning towards Night, but Canyon is a close second!