Whoa...you've put quite a bit of work into this!

Wow this is so impressive. Really awesome to see all your iterations and process!

Personally the first two compositions and the middle bottom row are my favourites.

Oh boy!! I did not recoginised you.
You've increase your skill so much, plus those last sketches are top notch!
Good luck with your next move. :boom:

Thank you muchly innocent :D!!! Your work is so awesome and really quite inspiring for the rest of us :P! fingers crossed you get a finalist again :D.

Nice work! :smiley: Love the colorfulness of the final illustration ^_^

Hi! I just want to let you know that your final illustration is too small righ now. Just save a smaller version that is still at least 2048 pixels or try compressing it more so that it's below 3MB in size.