Chose a pose of the figure i found most interesting in the comps and roughed in some more lines.
Threw on some tones to get a feel for the value/lighting composition.
I felt the environment would have to contrast the "ethereal" armor that Caine would wear in order to get the silhouette of the character to standout.
Played around with the values for the armor to communicate its translucent aspect.

I decided to simplify the environment to an almost empty area, this helped me focus on the contrast of the character's silhouette and the 'environment' a bit more.
Tones were adjusted, keeping in mind the possible colors ill put down later on in the process.
Rendered out that lame devil man a bit, adhering to some idea of translucent forms.
Blocked in some thugs to add some narrative.
Struggling to figure out the visual effects that describe the devil man getting punched/torn out from the thug that's in mid-air.
Some parts of the piece need to be done over, like the shapes for the cracked/cratered ground or any possible descriptions of the environment, so a line drawing layer over the piece is being played around with
At this stage, I'm constantly adjusting parts of the piece in order to solidify the general forms and designs before i apply color and push for a final rendering phase.