Born a millennia ago into the ruling royal family. Noth was a blessed and most beautiful child. The rise of a wicked warlock cursed Noth into an undying state of perpetuity.
As the young Noth grew into a teenager, his soul yielded the undying virtue of a God, but his body redeemed none of the regenerative nature it needed. Stricken with plagues and diseases he searched for a cure to his ailment. He grew into a man, riddled with various afflictions. His mind strong, his skin flaking and turning an oldish green as his insides rotted. He fell into a despair unrivalled by any other living being. Fungi and plantoid deformities began taking over his shape. His legs soon turned to trunks and following an attack by a local village he stumbled upon the wounds from arrows in his back as he fled which mutated into other plant like stems of protection. He swelled in size until he would be considered a giant. Alone and estranged from his family he became bitter and his soul darkened. His mutations grew and a filth canon mutated on his right hand. His body and face stemmed vines and bark. He resided in the woods away from people. But when they found him, his infamous reputation grew as a killer and eater of men.
Super Power: Undying mutation curse (Can not die and takes in illnesses and makes them a part of him) + Filth Canon (Spreads disease and infections. Ejects stored flies and spores that infect all that come in contact with it)