2, 6, 2 looks like a little bit of SC lady kerrigan ? forget how to spell that, and 6 alien queen? just wild guesses looking good either way.

So, moving on, I focused on the second thumbnail and developed it more, combining and trying new ideas. Think that it'd be sea creature. And I really love the A2 and A3 (I think A2 even more).
Still not sure about the super power, but the vampyr/blood thing is spinning in my head. Perhaps I also should think about some fabric/armor & weapon, we'll see)

very interesting flowing "silhouettes" dont know if calling them so its right since they have some detail

Hell, design is hard.. I don't even know; shoud I add some armor, or It'll be too noizy? Maybe on the top of the body..
Weapon, well, I think it'll be a bow with poisoned arrows; a bit trite but more simple

Hmm, she doesn't even look evil, I think I need to take a step back and redesign major shapes.

I think she looks evil but changing the shape language can definitely make a difference

Agree, however i still like this, and still like #2 looks like a octopus squid standing type of evil chick. :smile: either way this is looking like it will be good.

Thanks) I also like the second one, but it could exist only in the sea, and it's a big restriction for the future illustration, yeah

Okay, so, I redesigned her quite a bit without moving far from the main idea.
Also I'm thinking that there is no need in armor or weapon, poisoned claws and bone growths would be enough.
Let she be a stealth warrior, striking from shadows, wrapping around and poisoning her enemies. Kinda love that)
Uhh, I'm a bit tired though; definetly should take it easier, I'm just a begginer after all.

I always find out about the cool stuff after everyone else!
This looks so great ! :smiley:

8 days later

Лайк зыс злодейка!Я тоже начинающинающий,но осмелюсь дать совет:быть может эту красавицу нужно будет нарисовать в более динамичной позе (ну когда дойдет дело до финального концепта)чтоб она типа такая злючая была с сердитым взглядом и с растопыренными руками и со звериным оскалом?

And you say that you've got no experience with character concepts?? This look awesome!

That was my reaction too xD

Reeeaaally lovin' the shapes in that last sketch!