Cool style, I especially like the hand design - it's going to look sick when it's rendered!

Wow, cool style. Will check back again.

some progress on the horns, aiming for a michael vicente/josh singh chunky style. tried to make the horn straps mimicking the steps shown by josh in the singed sculpt video, focused mainly on the planes and forms, still need to add wear/tear and surface details

I like the horns of this new version but I prefer the mask shape of the older version I think it feels more organic. Also, I like the hair. God job!

trying to find a cool silhuette, want to make him around 5 heads tall :japanese_ogre:

silhouette is coming along good, my only crit would be to add some asymmetry, that makes characters so much more interesting to look at

thanks for pointing that out! hes 100% symmetry atm D: i think his body should remain symmetrical, will try to break the symm with some accesories or the clothes

heavy-metal boot almost ready :skull:

adjusting proportions, small tweaks, added pants, now i kind of know which parts of the body will be covered. next step transforming body into rocky chunks :volcano:

I like his design so far. It's really cool! Maybe you can add something on the hips like a belt or some kind of decoration to break the symmetry a little bit. Keep going! :smiley:

thanks! yea after redoing the body i will start adding all the straps, bracers, belts buckels.. etc, the plan was to give him a huge belt diagonally across his hips to break the symmetry :smile: might also make 2 different types of bracers?

progress on the guy, pretty happy with the main shapes, starting to add details. really want to try to bake him and make a lowpoly version, not sure i will make it in time though (never baked/retopoed anything ._.)

You're making some really nice progress. The design is pretty solid, it's nice to see a lot of work put in at that stage. He looks like an animator could have a lot of fun with him.

8 days later