My Idea is a Samurai who has been possessed by a Japanese Oni or Demon, the Oni resides within a cursed katana which when held renders the person a puppet to the demon.

I have been working pretty hard on this over the last few weeks as i wanted to make the image tell a strong story

Samurai Update

This is my first time sculpting an Asian face and it took a long time to get the subtle differences in anatomy looking halfway decent

Samurai Update

decided to make the kimono in marvellous designer even though i had never used it before, each leg has a double box pleat on the front and a single large box pleat in the back, still have a bunch of folds I'm not happy with so will have to re sim it with some better settings but overall I'm real happy with the direction this is heading

Pose Test

After a bunch of different attempts i think i have finally settled on a pose that i like, i want it to communicate that the Oni is controlling him and the samurai is vacant ready to do the demons bidding.

I'm also playing with keeping the Katana front and centre to attract attention, having it held it 1 hand and the blade resting on 2 finger in the other, then with details spreading up the arm from the Katana.

the Oni is floating behind him, he is humanoid looking with a face based heavily on Japanese Oni masks, with tattered rags on chest tattoos which will probably glow and match marking on the samurais chest, and he is holding a katana of his own, alluding to when he starts slicing so does the samurai.

the Oni is still very rough and I'm still coming up with ideas on what the samurai can be sitting on..............

Dude........nice :smile: Good to see some realism entries in here. He could just be sitting in seiza and I think it'd work fine :thumbsup:

Woah. Killing it in the oni department. Looking good so far.

That really escalated into something really cool. Interesting concept man :))

wow that demon bring so much power to the concept! nice one! looking forward to it!!! :smiley: good luck

Nice! Always great to see some narrative worked in to a model and it certainly looks like the samurai is being manipulated. Good work :smile:

8 days later

New Pose

been chatting to some peps, and the feedback i kept receiving was the pose want working or conveying enough of the story, given it a bit of a rethink and need some feedback on this one

I'm going more for a demon shadow, when rendering ill have up the transparency and let the AO and the spec show a lot of the demons form and details

give me some feed back on if you like the new direction or ideas to add

oh this has become one of my favorites! great job, I could never make something so realistic, can't wait to see it textured

Small Update

I have made the katana, re simed all the cloth, making the demon and the samurai have different clothing,\ and done a quick colour test with poly paint, now time to add details like sandals, belts then time to tackle retopo...........

nice progress!
but i have to admit, that the sitting pose is so much stronger! the symmetry with the samurai and the asymmetric daemon in the back!

Kinda agree with Max; though if you did something with the demons shader to show that it's a spirit or something then it might be a lot stronger than a pattern repeat. If story is the problem a lot of that can be lighting and setting too v( '3')v

@maxloegler and @aveon, you guys were right i had lost my way a little with that last pose and was subconsciously taking the easy way out, unfortunately i have been super busy the last week so only just got back to it today, spent the night blocking out a new pose which i am a lot happier with(going for more of a team buzz), i also feel i may have gotten so wrapped up in story i have forgotten about character, so the rest of the week will be spent developing the 2 character and getting them into this pose can wait, i may not finish in time but man I'm learning a ton, as always honest feed back is much appreciated

Wow, went back to the beginning! :open_mouth: : Props to you man. I feel ya, It's been a week and a half since my last post because of the same reason, I'd say don't get too down about it.

The sword dudes pose looks painful haha, but the whole set is a lot more dynamic than the last!