Roxy, a young earth elemental who is brash and head strong. She is a powerful warrior who fights with great tenacity and fierceness for her mother earth. Roxy loves speed and movement and uses this talent to fight.
lots and lots fo work to do here but I've made a start! excited to show you all my vision for this character.

here is an update to the character design, I've changed some proportions and tried to envision her without her costume, I wanted to make it look like she is a kind of demi god or mythological creature that uses her outfit to express her love of speed and racing culture in a more modern context, like if Hercules wore Nikes or something. I'm keen to get stuck into all the little details and accessories. Let me know what you think of the colours and she design in general!

I think the design is great! Interesting to see how you're going to incorporate her into the final piece. Those horns are a big win for me, anything oversized is yes

so glad you like the design! and I'm glad someone likes her horns :smile: Im excited to get started on the final so I can show off what she can do

here's a bunch of random skribble that might actually turn into a pretty cool piece of splash art... we shall see :wink:

I like that pun! hah thanks so much :smile:

laid down some colours and basic values, really keen to go hard with this piece, but that means a lot will change between now and the end result :smile: excited to see where she ends up!

decided on a highway type environment to convey the characters racing/speed motifs... the shading and colours need heaps of work but i think its getting there... i really want to find a more effective way to suggest that she is an earth elemental. Any suggestions are more than welcome! xx

Maybe she uses her earth type powers to use the ground as a springboard and with each contact she leaves a footprint on the road. Also you can add some debris with rocks all over the place to emphasize her ability

I like this so far! I do agree with the last comment that maybe adding some debris that she kicks up when she runs would help emphasize her speed. As for her element, she does look like an earth elemental to me, up showing more if her earth powers wouldn’t hurt. Usually when I see earth types they seem to be super strong or manipulate the ground in some way. Hmmmm, kind of tricky XD

i like it ! =) well done!