So, I had this concept idea in my head for a while, somebody slim/fragile carrying this enormous flask of SOMETHING(blood/water/sealed environment with entire ecosystem?). Primarily because I thought it would be a nice visual design for a character (dynamic forms and shape masses), but when I saw that there is another ArtWar, it all snapped into place.

I roughly sketched out concept of my character, just to claim the idea (cause Im always afraid that my ideas were already made by someone else.), basically, his/her name is Serras. I don't have a clear vision of how he/she should look like yet, I don't even know if it will be a dude or dudette (most likely a dude), so I will experiment and see what fits better.

Right now I am certain of the abilities. As you can see, character is of the water element, has an ability to affect and control water, to an extent of making it levitate and grasp and contain solid objects with it's mass and density (I hope you get me, basically a water bending). Serras carries this huge flask/container on his back, like a backpack, it contains alot of water, and whats more important KILLER FISH SWARM (Super Piranhas), Serras cannot command them or affect their will, however he/she can purposely starve them, to make them more ferocious, and of course, when it is time to battle, Serras can transport The Swarm, along with the water onto the enemy, or even trap them inside big bubble with the Killer Fish Swarm to quickly dispose of them, leaving only bones and no mess at all.

Looks promising and I like the idea of the "backpack".
Say, would feeding the piranhas make them stronger?

@morecado Hmmm, It would probably increase their numbers, but its just the idea that the hungry wolf is more dangerous than not hungry wolf... Or not, gotta do my research :smiley:

Nice idea! I think it's worth experimenting with the shapes of the characters and the aquarium, as it is big, maybe you should think about how he or she will carry it, and make aquarium shape more convenient, or maybe some kind of device for easy carrying.

Thanks for advice good sir! Indeed, you are right, and I plan to make Serras very pilgrim type looking, as if he crafted most of his clothes and equipment himself, hence most of braided, leather and cloth clothes, but I am still thinking of how I can give his appearance more 'watery' look without his giant flask in sight. But yeah, here is my moodboard down bellow! :smiley:

So, I am still thinking about stuff! I definitely want fish to look as menacing as it can be, and water as colorful as it can be, like salty waves with green, yellow and blue hues as it flows through the air with red-glowing fish inside it.

I really want to make the illustration like one of those with dynamic mood, like at first glance it is cheerful and happy illustration, but the more you look at it, the more uneasy and creepy it becomes. The mechanism behind the good mood will be Serras himself (yep, a dude), it is IF I decided to make him a cheerful and happy character, instead of sadistic rat bastard :smiley: (because someone who breeds killer-fishes to literally erase living creatures from existence can't have good morals and attitude of happy-go-lucky person, can he?), and the mechanism behind creepy/scary mood will be his flask along with the fish in the darkness, where you can see maybe some leftovers(skulls, blood clouds in water) from his victims, back in the shade, not something that would catch your eyes first.
What do you think? Please advise! :smiley:

Alright, today was a busy day, but I managed to make this!

Its a small, but important portion of concept of how Sarres carries his giant flask around, and
a mild exploration of a theme. In my mind there are several versions of a piligrim/craftsman/scavenger (first 2 versions), so design of a flask wrapped in leather and cloth will indicate that. But there is another alluring option lurking in the back of my mind, some fantasy covenant/clan origin, where flask is engulfed into decorative iron shell that has distinctive style, so it will indicate that Serras is a valued member of said clan, and design of his appearance will drasticly different from what you can call scavenger/craftsman, more of a mage/paladin/warlock, wrapped in some fancy armor pieces.

What do you think guys?

(Also I will expand on the design choices of the theme/setting that I will settle with)

Like the progress and little stories of the character background.
Tough choice here tbh, 1st two look like they function, the 3rd i can't tell how it would stay on the back, i guess unless that was a metal design, then again still might not work out. I do like the little design on it though.

I'd say 2, 1 is to plain, but works functionally, 2 looks like it functions and has a nice design element to it, maybe you can take the 3rd fish design and put it on 2 somewhere as a lock or sticker or stitch, maybe even on the characters pants/clothing somewhere.

That is the best critique i can give atm, the water rendering looks great, btw.

I really like the 3rd one.
You did a good job, i like the effect of the water and the red eyes give a clear ideas of the dark power in it. I think you should put together the 1 and the 3 to create something more interesting.

I like the stopper and silhouette of 2, but the design of 3. Maybe have that design burned into the leather around the bottle? Loving this character!

Hey man, i think your design is realy awesome. I dont know why but the charachter and concept sheet makes me think about a fishman. May be there can be a place for a fishing rod?:smile: just an idea. anyway, would like to see a further development!

Really like this idea a lot! I'm drawn to #3, with maybe the top part of #2 :smile: Can't wait to see where you take this!

Hey, really nice work you've got so far. I like design 3 on that recent post. Either way, the whole design is a really interesting concept; I'm looking forward to seeing the illustration!

WoW guys! @3dc @kriros @brohmyr @tianlei @veesketch @sanguine @affertonart
Thank you a lot for your attention people! I will do my best to impress ya all, and perhaps even myself, cause I don't do these often! Next week is gonna be a rich one in terms of content from me, stay tuned!
But for now!
So, I tried a couple of things with overal design, and developed/discovered some new combinations and design elements I may or may not implement into final flask design. Next one will be Serras himself, perhaps i will start fleshing him out with sketches or perhaps with silhouettes.
What do you say? Which one do you like better, and why? :smiley:

I really like the 8 and the 5, well done !

yes , 5 and 8, i'd say 5 more for the simple fact if this was a real situation and or some sort of show/movie/episode the dude would want to put that thing down eventually and 5 seem like the best one to allow for that to be a possibility with some sort of cauldron type legs attached to a circular base would work.
Or even make them piranha fins instead of actual "table" legs.
You know what your doing :stuck_out_tongue: - nice to see some more works. - Go with what you like also.