I spent a good while messing around with the values and I think this is gonna be my prefered solution. Essentially I really wanted to keep the character silhouetted whilst still having plenty of value space to make the lightning feel as powerful as possible. To make the lightning feel like the main light source within a darker space I also went for a totally dark sky to remove the sense that the light in the background could be from the sun, it really changes the mood alot to have the super dark border closing in from above

Wow!! This looks incredible!!! Awesome work! Any ideas for the colors yet? :smiley:

Looking epic already! Getting big Bioshock vibes for some reason- keep up the epic work :smile:
I can't wait to see how you render the materials in this image, that was my favorite part of your artwar2 entry :open_mouth:

Liking this. The dainty legs and big chunky arms are a nice contrast.

11 days later

alright so I've been real short on time so have completely forgotten to make any updates :stuck_out_tongue: Yet to sort out the background and general image balance, all I've really been doing is rendering unimportant stuff xD

Wow! Incredible work dude!!
(And yeah I totally get you on the rendering unimportant part to avoid the hard part )

Impressive work as usual T-T
What impress me the most is that...it could look like a real thing :open_mouth:
(do you have some Bioshock inspiration for this one maybe ?)

Wonderful work!!! Congrats on finishing it!! * ^ *

Nice work as expected, dude! Values are clean as hell. Good luck!

Ahh your rendering is always so amazing. Checked out your Artstation when I first came across your thread, some really really amazing stuff, very inspirational! Good luck with the rest of the piece and for the competition!

:congratulations: Nice work as usual !!! I followed you since ArtWar 2 :muscle: It is great to see you in every competition!! :congratulations:

Man I always look forward to what you dish out! Really dig the shapes and textures!