Robot arm and its armor made in Blender, gonna improve it in Zbrush later, but i think it looks grate already. I think I`m gonna make the hands next, at least I should, but I might be distracted, we will see.

Made a hand, took far too long to make, but I`m still getting the hang on anatomy. Not that it maters but i made a right hand instead of a left one............

Robot hand and arm hig poly version done in zbrush

Man.... I don`t know how old news this is but, i just realized how excellent the new curve tools are in Blender. Then again it might be part of a add on i loaded a while ago.......

Back in blender Hig to left low to right.
Starting to get worried about the deadline, decided not to go to sleep today, I don`t have real responsibility for a couple of days so it fine. Gonna try to get all the small stuff out off the way and try to star retopo everything as fast as possible.

Made the weapon, retopode it and other things, gonna wait with the dress until I change the pose, maybe, trying to save time.

Today did some accessories as warm up and as cool off.

Merged the arm and the head to the body, i it took me hours, because Zbrush crashed all the time. had to do some compromises, so the mesh is now way bigger than I prefer. Hopefully it won`t cause more problems when the baking begins. I think I need a new computer...
Added a part off the robot arm on her cheats and a glove, to get closer to the concept art. But somethings like stun gun are gonna have to be cut.

9O% Of retopo/uv-maping done, and some small modeling left. Then baking, re-posing. making of the dress and finally texturing. Its a little strange pipeline, but i have high hopes it will pay of for this project. And it better because time is running our.

Normal baking done for now, arghh took forever to get it right, I despise baking, something always goes wrong. First time in an eternity I did it sober, which was a bad idea (cursed New Year's resolution).
In pictures only Normal and AO maps, wanted to test them and Eevee (very impressive). Now to re-poseing and dress making.

Re-poseing and blocked out dress. Eevvee is distractingly fun. The clock is ticking.

Almost done, less than 24h to the dead line, sigh, gonna go now to sleep and then fix some things: like the red areas are not textured and gonna redo the hair.

Uploading this while waiting for the model to be uploaded to sketchfab. All texturing done, new hair and some "effects"