I'll just be here making a model based on my Dnd character who i have wanted to design visually for awhile, a centaur druid who wears pants. She will align with earth to embody nature. She has a pet direwolf who is bigger then her called Nanikai summoned from the fey wilds with the gemstone on her staff. I try to get them both done!

Today was very important in learning how pants on horse works :3

12 days later

Got around to roughly blocking in the mesh!

Amazing! You actually thought about how you could even put on the armor to make it more realistic. That's not usually seen, in some designs it seems that he was really born with the armor on because nobody would be able to wear it (except some crazy XD cosplayer)

@JoseTijerin Thankyou!! Yes functional clothing is a passion of mine!! Even if it's silly pants on a horse.... hehe

Built a clean mesh over the rough blockout, now for a face... e_e