First phase is an idea. So, it was some more difficult for me than i suggest. I am not a good concepter (I always work with artists), but i tried =)
So this character is a fire element warrior. Idea based on using some Indian culture elements, and making a mage of fire, mage that protect.. Something... =)
Very (VERY!) quick concept, after some ours of look at references:


Blocking and sculpting time!

I started to do some sketches in Marvelous for my blocking.

In the end I make a mix of some ideas and make assessors.

So now I have a 3d sketch and it's time to start sculpting.

Waiting for your sculpting result! The main ide lokks really interesting!

So, today I have been done a speedsculpt 3D sketch. Polypaint help to think about colors of the character.
Now I think about how sculpt cloth, but save Marvelous topology. Some tests are needed.
Final, now I start final sculpt and think about how I can optimize my work.

So, now I start to sculpt my character. And I have a question for people who will read this topic.

What do you think about background of final pictures?

Now I suppose far fire mountings, but it is not final idea.

Tooday I finish crown and hare.

I hope I will finish work in time. But if i can't finish it, i will pose it in artstation.