@marianoeliceche Muchas gracias denuevo.
@EllyettWee Thank you very much, it seems to me that the tullo is much more dynamic and powerful, I also wish you good luck!
@Sergei_Pakhomov Thank you very much, I read in a comment that you were very exhausted after finishing your model and the same goes for me; I'm going to take a break after this and continue making comics.
@dmitriygyrniak Thank you very much, I don't know if you saw it, but I told you in your work that it seems to me prescient because it reminds me of the aurora borealis.
@lucas.bour.protomedi Thank you very much! Go, ground team!
@nikita666 Thank you very much! Although compared to the tullo, mine looks like a child's game. I really spent a lot of time looking at all the details of your design and I hope to learn from it next time.