Final update
Final image

Detail Sheet

Name: Lucie Pelletier
Website: Artstation


Hi guys! A bit of a late start for me, I was in the middle of moving out so I wasn't sure if I could work on this. I got time now, so yes, let's go!

My warrior is from the lightning faction, using spears made from her (cloudy) hair to smite down enemies from the air. The lightning bird is an african myth and I decided to give it a human form for this contest, the spear will be african to reflect that

I got started on the high poly, here is where I'm at:

Next steps are blocking out the wings and the hair!

Wings are coming together! Here are the main shapes, still need to scupt the top part to make everything fit properly

Here are my sculpted feathers, it's getting a bit too noisy (and too repetitive) on the secondary feathers to my tastes :grimacing: I have to see what I can do to tweak that!

Also made some quick copies to see how the small wings on the head would feel... Not so sure about them, I wonder if it's not going to be too busy around the head?

Really like the concept! Curious to see the 3D image! gg

@maxtronaute thanks! Hopefully I'll have something in marmoset soon! :smile:

It was retopo time for me, now that's done so I'm moving on to the uvs and posing! After that I can at last get started on texturing, which I'm super excited about

Spear low poly is also done, I'll make a pass in zbrush tomorrow!

Some update! Posing is done, even if it looks like it's missing some kind of power...maybe something I can also tweak with the camera placement?
I got started on the marmoset scene too, with some lighting that definitely needs more work and love

Texturing is progressing fine! I forgot how painter was pretty fun to use. Still need to understand how to get what I have in its viewport (picture below) in marmoset! There is still quite some differences there

I also have the lightning effects to do, which will probably add a lot of light in the scene, so I'll probably get started on those very soon!

Texturing is almost done! The wings and hair still need some love but they are getting there
I'm also improving the lighting as the same time, still a lot to do but I like where it's going :smile:

Last update! Pretty happy with how everything turned out

Final images:

Good luck to all!