I think I got to a middle ground between my need to make most of the stuff functional because of it being technology, although "ancient", and doing justice to the lore. I haven´t fully figured out the robe part, maybe coming from inside like a Destiny tabard, but most of the rest of the design hopefully works out better than the Mexican Robocop I put in my last post.
I tried to keep most of the design language too. The feathers will be holographic, just for show, while keeping the lightning catchers as the square, golden things at the back and limbs. Dropped the idea of force shields too, as they didn´t do much to help with the design, just keeping the lightning. The mask I kept from last design though, I like how it looks.
I will later do a nice render design, but for now I have to start the illustration asap.
Lemme know your thoughts!