Scuba Knight variants. I have some favourites, but I'm not saying anything yet as I want to hear your feedback.
Some criteria:
- One arm will be held up, so keep one shoulder free of armour / pauldrons, etc.
- I want a visible facial expression in the illustration, so keep as much of her head clear as possible. No big heavy helms.
- Show some curves, must clearly be The Lady Of The Lake, not "tin can holding sword". (DO NOT MAKE A SKIMPY BIKINI KNIGHT!!!)
@PillowFrog Still thinking about the mount, tempted to add the tentacles, but undecided, octopi might be a bit exotic to the British Isles and throw off the theme.
@br00dley Thanks for the tip about Dead Space, the wetsuit concept with armour layered on top paved the way for a lot of my designs. Didn't come across the white dragon thing either whilst doing my research, you really know your folklore. Whatever she will be riding would either be white or red anyway to fit the theme.