unlisted Mar 15, '17

listed Mar 15, '17

wowow! congrats!

Wow getting here must've been hard with all the great entrees. Congrats to all.

pinned Mar 15, '17

A little sad I didn't made it this round but anyway congrats to all who made it and good luck for the next round! :smile:

Congratz to all of you ^^
Sad too some artworks/3D didn't make it to the 10 list...but easy to know that's always hard to choose, even for judges...

And like rakisan said it already, good luck for the next round !!!

Oh my god! :open_mouth: Thank you so much!

Congrats all !!!

Congats all! Each one in this top is brilliant!

\m/ AMAZING!! \m/
CONGRATS EVERYONE on the next round!!!

Thank you so much! Congrats to everyone! I'm honoured to be placed with all these amazing entries!
This made my morning :blush:

Wow some amazing work in there, hard to choose a winner from them! :smiley:

Congrats everyone! So happy to be listed up there next to you all :flushed:

Congratulations to the finalists! Its nice that the results are coming so quickly. This means we'll know the winners soon!!

Fantastic choices! Really love them all.
Congrats to those who passed, may the best entries win! :sparkling_heart: