Sadly I haven't here my bow, but that's looking good. Now he's badass with his bow!
This ref is also a good one :wink:

I've just make a paintover for minor improvments:
- The first finger may be a bit more contracted.
- Just check if the empennage don't go into the fingers.
- Arrow closer to the hand, like the ref.
- In yellow I moved a bit the pec and shoulder, to feel it's the dorsal-muscles that pull the arm.

Great pose! everything came together nicely :wink:

Great final submission. Congrats on finishing!

Awesome character! Great in every aspect. Good luck.

Really awesome character, one of my favorites for sure!!

badass character! congrats!

Pls master teach me how to 3D.

Amazing work mate, fantasy team ftw.

Вообще отличный!!!

Congrats to you!!

So incredibly good. I could totally see this as a sentient creature in The Witcher with some sort of dilemma over whether or not to kill him because locals think he's a "monster." So much personality. Well done!

Thanks everyone! Guys you are the best! I couldn't finish without your support!
I am glad that I took part in this challenge, there are so many amazing entries!

@nikita666 Looks AWESOME but make sure your concept sheet only contains art you made, it's not a reference sheet!

@marc oh thank you, I've uploaded correct concept sheet

Congrats on the final version man came out really awesome!