Hi !
My name is White Skin (Claire LE RHUN), I'm french freelance artist.
You can find my work on my website : clairelerhun.com
On facebook : https://www.facebook.com/claire.lerhun.white.skin
Or Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/whiteskin_art/

I choose to take the fantasy side for this challenge !
I have starting with posing because I'm just more inspired about it.

I want to creat a low-angle with the character and the environment. Keep the character on the first plan and put forward an element in her hand.

Bonne chance compatriote ! :smile:
Nice work so far ! Keep it up!

Merci beaucoup rgdraw, j'en ai profité pour aussi aller voir ton travail.
J'ai hâte de voir ton illustration terminée =)

For the next, I'm looking for the skin of the character. I prefer finding the form before given details. I've separeted the different part of the skin for match them together and find the best harmony.

After that, I mixed the differrently part of skin itself. I choose 4 combinaison. But Now, I need to choose the ambiance for take the details of the skin :
Snow - Desert - Medieval - Asian - Tropical

It's difficule for me to creat the background with a perspective without a real photographic base.
So I search a lot of photo with different background. I want a big space for integrate building.

Intéressant tout ça ^^
J'aime beaucoup ta composition sur ton premier post et aussi tous les essais de design de vêtement/peau !
Peut-être un peu fade/terne le gris ? Je suppose que tu es encore en train de faire plein de tests (colo ou autre...) ?

Juste une 'tite question, c'est une humaine ou une androïde ?

All of this is pretty interesting ^^
I really like a lot your composition on the first post and also all these tries on clothing design/skin !
Maybe that's a little bit too bland the grey ? I guess you're again doing some testing (colour or else...) ?

Just a simple question, is she a human or androïd ?

Have fun & good luck :smile:

Bonjour Mr_dessin !
Oui pour l'instant je cherchais surtout la forme, les couleur viendront plus tard. Dans l'idée je vais partir sur une humaine mais je réfléchissais à lui donner un aspect animal, peut être avec des cornes ou des oreilles différentes ?

Hi mr_dessin !

Yes, for this moment I just search the form for the skin, the color come after.
In my mind, the character will be a humain but I thought to add an animal aspect, maybe with horns or differents ear.

Thanks you and seen you soon !

I finaly mix my differents references for creat this big space. I moved the character for have a better harmony in the composition. After that, I would add a city (castle - port - ...) and a large flying animal (dragon or griffin).
But now, I decide to resume the character for choose the final form.

Yeah it's getting nice ! Keep up like that :smiley: