These are good!
The only thing i would recommend you to try is to do more precise lines in gesture drawings instead of "hairy" ones. So the less lines you try to use in 1min-30sec gestures the better it will be as you need to capture the pose in a very short amount of time :smiley:
Overall the ones you have here are pretty good in terms of where the body weight is
So keep it up! :DD

Thanks for the feedback @echo_jk :smile:
Yep I agree, I'll try to do less hairy/simplified shapes

1 month later

Some centuries later, I'm back :sweat_smile:
Some more assignments from term 1


Skeletons and cylinders

Some more gesture (doing these almost every day)

Some of the poses I've done a values study the first 2 in 15 min and the last one was about 1 and half hour :smile:
Here's the last one

2 months later

1 point perspective lineart, I'm working on lights and colors now. I'm not a fan of 1 point but I have to say that I'm enjoying this one a lot :smile:

That is looking pretty darn good.

One of the rough things with the 1 point perspective room is getting the relative size of objects to fit a person. For the most part I think you nailed it (I am assuming that is a rather small dog, and the shirt is small too, but it might be fine depending on the owners size)
This is super minor, but the placement of the door knob should be a bit lower, and the desk should be a little bit taller. I only notice this because of the door knobs placement near the center of the door vertically, door knobs are typically mounted 3 ft off the ground and interior doors tend to float right around 7ft or just a little less. Desk tops sit around 30 inches, so maybe where you have it is fine after all.

If you want to create some more visual interest, try adding something into the foreground that changes the frame of the image a bit from how square it is. Something only a foot or so from the camera, probably on the right side of the image.

Looking good.

regarding you gesture drawing make sure you do this exercise as much as possible in your days. Start now to focus on cleaness of the lines

2 months later

Finished the room, thanks for the feedback @PeterH through this exercise I find out that my room irl doesn't have a nice composition :joy:

This is a pretty nice room! Much larger than mine, I'm jealous :wink:

But yeah, I think this looks pretty good in terms of perspective. And the the light and values adds a cool atmosphere. Nice job!