Hello, I hope I am not too late in starting the forum thread... Here is my progress on a submission for the Light side. I have designed a character tentatively named Grand Paladin Sera, also known as The Talon of the Church. I will post the character concept first, and then iterations of illustration to date.

Here is the concept for the character:

Nice sketches!
Not a lot of time left, better work quickly! :grinning:

thank you very much! ya it will be a real grind from here on :sweat_smile: luckily i have been working on it for the past week, i just put off making the forum post til now...

and to bring us to date here is the current progress as of last evening. changed the background and some other tweaks. I think at this point im going to focus on pushing out some of the values (especially on sera and the foreground) and also on rendering.

feel free to give me feedback, though i don't have much time I will be reading and this thread. good luck to all!

Nice work! She looks both cute and deadly ^^, I like the colours you choose, although if it was me, I might try and apply some darker tones aswell.

Yeah, the sun looks really bright which should make all of the highlights very bright and all of the shadows very dark.