Hello all, I will be entering with the light side, with my character Libra, Aspect of Judgement! This is my first time taking an art contest, I will be posting updates here as well as my social media @ZielousART on instagram and twitter! I look forward to creating with everyone!

Thanks man! I'ma try my best!

Quickly sketching out some concepts for Libra, something constant I've seen when doing my research is the blindfold, which I really like for Libra, but I believe just a blindfold by itself is too bland for an aspect in war! Therefore I sketched out 4 quick concepts on what an aspect will look like, these however will most likely not be final as they are but some elements from them will be in the final iteration. I will spend the next week making concepts and thumbnailing. I will try to update at least twice a week, maybe 3! Follow my twitter and instagram @ZielousART for updates.

lastly, I will write a story for Libra, because I love writing and I love stories!

Also the final will not be bald, I promise! :joy:

So I believe this is the pose I want to go with, it will be able to show off all of Libra's aspects, her scales, her Judicii, and her sword, while showing part of her armor, now that I know what pose I want to go with. I will be begin sketching out armor for Libra on paper before putting the concepts into digital. Thoughts?