Oh! That's really cool! :smiley:
Can't wait to see more, good luck and have fun ! :smile:

Nice to see Kiev here :smiley: i liked your works too!

Btw i've tried to reach to you in Facebook . Would be cool if you check

Great sense of motion and color in this piece!

The biggest problem with it is that compositionally there are two strong characters featured in the center and it's not totally clear which is the main one. There's a note on the FAQ about this: "It doesn't have to be just one character, but it has to be obvious who the 'hero' is! You can include side/support (or enemy) characters in your concept sheet/illustration." One could argue that the sorceress is front and center and clearly the main character, but as you're still early in your development process, you might consider how to make your illustration showcase your sorceress more and her summons less. Good luck either way! :+1:

ohh, right.. thank you! i will fix that.

Much stronger! :+1: It feels a bit awkward with her foot cut off at the very bottom. you could just extend the canvas down a bit (or move her up.) Anyhow, great pose and expression Keep going! :smile:

This looks great! The feel of it is so strong.
It'd be really cool if there were runes on the ground around her (almost like a summoning circle) =]
Very epic! I look forward to seeing this finished!

Love the composition and looks, very promising piece! 

13 days later

Hey guys! Haven't post anything in a while, kinda busy with work :smile:
Here's the progress so far: