Hi everyone,
I’m excited to participate the second time the ARTWAR challenge. The last one I improved a lot in character design, so I hope I can became better after the challenge again.

The Darkest Princess is a modern (crazy bitch) goddess Kali.
Kali has different meanings and functions, I will focus on her dark side mostly and use my own imagination. So pleas don’t take it too serious if I construe something wrong.
In the Light VS Dark universe she is a (kinda) modern woman which is hiding her origin until she has to fight for the darkness itself. I guess I will change lot of stuff during the challenge if her design isn’t interesting enough or doesn’t fit in the world.

I appreciate your feedback! If you like it or not, please let me know ^^
I wish you guys lot of fun!

My contacts:
Noah Carev | frankenstejin

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This are some references I will pick from. You see a lot of kali images, some traditional cloths (they are beautiful!) and different styles (biker chick, goth, rockabilly, ...). I Don't know right now in which direction I will push it, any ideas?

Oh yeah and I can image her mindset is kinda Bellatrix Lestrange and/or Akasah.

That's very cool ^^
The 4 arms figures could be interesting.
But the one which look very interesting is the second on the second line.

Pardon my curiosity but...you don't like the Egyptian theme ? Or want to mix it with something else ?

I like the designs with the headdress acting as a second pair or arms as opposed to actually having four arms. i like the third on the top row but instead of the other arms you can you the arms from the middle designs. I think they give the character a much more unique profile.
Looks good, keep up the great work!

Thanks @mr_dessin , appreciate your feedback!
Oh I love egyptian theme! Maybe I can mix something together ^^ I don't know in which direction I'll go exactly.

@alexbrewer2238 Thanks ^^ I like this idea most too. Maybe I should give her little bit more divinity, that could match with the third thumbnail on the top. It's kinda a crown or halo.

Here are more design choices I did in the last time. I’ll push the last thumbnail which is marked by the border. Now I have to think about the head piece and which weapon she needs. I thought about a sickle or two swords. The carpet “arms“ are for protection only.

Or a scythe for weapon ? That could be what she hides next to her head/ back ?
Or....Tira ring blade (Soulcalibur 4 and 5) - very cool weapon !

Just saying like that :smile:

I really love the contrast in colour between her skin and the clothing, it makes the character even more interesting!

The colors are really working. Absolutely love it!

I saw this post earlier and thought it was awesome without realizing it's you noah ^^
I love the desings so far, in the last one in the small thumbnail she has some holes/patterns in her pants, maybe you could use that somehow as in the big one the pants seem really simple (:

I love the design so far! As for weaponry she looks as though she has an Indian and Egyptian theme. Maybe you could research weapons used by either culture and implement them into your design like maybe a indian Chakram (sikh) or Egyptian Khopesh. keep up the good work!

That looks so interesting! It was for sure the rigth choise

I like the 3rd one better, but I think you can use other colors for the eyes to make it a little bit more distinct because you already have a lot of yellow on your character. Your overall design is really good btw, can't wait to see it finished!

Nice busts. And those floral designs are beautiful! I love the black and gold!