Thanks @mdashow I'll try to fix the contrast. Those hints are great.
I like the idea that she's in some sort of Indian palace but the comp kinda lacks to show her epicness , maybe you can have a little story going on in the piece ( doesn't have to be complicated, it can be as simple as fighting the enemy), maybe you can try different dynamic poses , angles, lighting. Also you can add something interesting to the background/ foreground. I really like her design tho. I hope this ends up something awesome
@tbrk Thanks for your reply, I hope I can make something epic and don't disappoint you ^^
@mdashow Thanks appreciate your feedback
@tbrk Yes there are blades. She can use the cape like arms and protect herself and pin around to make damage. Isn't it clear to read those are sharp blades? ^^ Maybe I have to rework then
@tbrk yeah true, I started with the goddess kali and she has 4 arms. I redesigned the two arms and made the "cape claws" ^^
Still fighting with the values and the background. I dont want to jump to early into colors before the values are fixed (maybe I should?). I decide to make the overall mood pretty dark because of the dark theme. So I can pop up the golden parts well.
Have you guys and tips for me how to improve the illsutration?
Overall your illustration is looking solid. The swirls of the fabric are really dynamic and serve as a good framing element. In your previous post, you had a bit of a gap between the 2 legs which is gone now. (I still faintly see it there, you may have just accidentally colored over it.) Anyhow, bring that back - seeing the legs separately helped with the silhouette.
Another thought is that, because her big blade disc covers the smallest part of her waist, we only see the upper torso and hips without the thinner part between, so it makes her look a little stocky...? But that's not a bad thing, just something to be aware of.
Something you could try is rotating the entire character a bit more counter-clockwise to give it a bit more of a dutched camera angle. She's not straight up and down right now, she's already at an angle... just wondering if it would look good to exaggerate that more?
Anyhow, I really hope you keep the palette from your earlier color exploration, that was gorgeous. But I'm sure whatever you pick will be nice. Good luck with it!
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