Hello everyone!!! I'm new to digital art and thought this would be a fun challenge.


Character Bio: Don't let her childish looks trick you. At a young age my champion found she had the ability to animate dolls while studying the arts of voodoo. Now she sews voodoo dolls and has them do her bidding. She can be found in the dark allies of New Orleans.

Thought earthy mixed with mardi gras would look nice

Looking great. Really diggin the vibe on the illustration so far. Looking forward to seeing more :).

13 days later

I don't know if I will be able to finish on time. My computer is fried and I don't know when it will be fixed. Thank you for stopping by <3

Sad to hear that. But when your computer is fixed, even if it's late or you think that you can't make it, I advise you to finish your project anyway because you can still learn a lot from it

10 days later

I will try to work on it once I can