Personally I think the feather part of the wings from the v 1.5 looked the best and the fact that they could actually be folded was a great part of it. A bit sad to see the character lose the asymmetry.
On the other hand, the armor looks fantastic.
Really looking forward to the the finished model now
@MrJar0 thank you for having a look and the comment that's really apreciated.
Another step in the process. comming better in term of silhouette and shape. there is some things I want to try and experiment . simplification, color , asymetry and folding the wings. so I'll continue the game of what's work what's not concept phase.
Here the last version to date and a lapstime video process of it. 2 hrs.
Wip sculpt.
@mrjar0 Thank you ! yes you're right. I'll go in this direction. For the second pair of wing I will first see how much I struggle doing the first
I wich you all a merry chrismass !
At some point I wanted to add ornemental things to the design but struggled to much on the concept with le level of detail and the basic shape that I didn't found room to play with it. so now that I have my basic shape done I will experiment on the 3d model with PS and Zb.
Here is a update to the helmet design. It still WIP but I have a more clear idea of what it's gonna look like.
I did a video process of the sculpt, then a retopo + cleaning the edge in Zmodeler.
Here are some pic of the design process.