Hey there! So my idea following some scribbles will be a half Goblin/human female Necromancer who can summon ancient powerful spirits and seal them into the bodies of adorable animals (especially cats).

Key notes I had: she will be bald, have large elf-esq. ears, extremely oversized feet (they stay the same size from adolescence), otherwise normal(ish) proportions.
I originally thought some nuisance filled kid but I'm trailing now towards generic sexy type. I've got three body sketches which I'm going to try a good variety of clothing shapes
on to help find the ideal design.

There's also her weapon: A magic wand (probably shaped like a cat feather toy) and maaaaybe some support characters (cats, doge etc.) to design.

There's so much good stuff already, shouldn't have been late!

I love the idea of the ancient spirits sealed into cute creatures haha! :smile: I'd love to see more update especially the body armor or clothing.