And done with the paintover - i wont work on this for a week so i do a maximum while i can !

And a gift, for kristmess ! Sweet dreams :smile:

Really cool creepy old lady, progress looks crazy good. No critic.

WOw this scary af! Especially the last images. :scream:

Just saw the FAQs and the eligibility according the region you are from... Seeing this, I CAN NOT TAKE THIS CONTEST SERIOUSLY, unless someone explains me why. This said, i've started my character and i'll finish it. But will not participate officially.

Great work so far! I'm upset to learn you can't take part :frowning: That's really unfortunate man

I can i can :smile: and i will ! It's just a lot of people can't and this annoys me a lot ! So i consider my participation as "non-official" to support them !

Wow that really is insanely awesome!! :scream: ....looking forward to be motivated and learn as u progress forward with your work :grin:!!...

You doing such great job, it is hard to sculpt a old witch. I am sure she was beautiful in young years.

Crazy witch you have there. Good job so far!

Bah u see.. Nice hands!
Btw her ass is still candies for the eyes...

@zinc candies are like bubblebutts... you know what i mean.
@independhans man ! you know, this is exactly what i'm thinking of when sculpting her. She definitely was pretty when she was young... somewhere between Milla Jovovich and Olga Kurylenko :stuck_out_tongue:
@fantasymaster we all like crazy witches ! Thanks man ! So glad you like :smile:

She's a single lady? oh oh oh?

@zinc Oh god xD the implications.
But yeah @grigouips you're rocking this! Looks awesome man, instant eye catcher. Maybe you can push the disgust by making certain areas look overly squishy? Pushing blobs and sinews is always how I've done it v('-' )v