I come here today with the question of: am I being too harsh on myself?
Because of life things I haven't spent as much time on gesture drawings as I want. But i wanted to share after my session today because I think I need to readjust my perspective a little.
Here's the gestures:
I decided to go with minute long gestures to try and fill out the bodies a bit more. The gestures to the left and above the red line were my previous attempts. Looking at them, the proportions feel bad. I've been struggling with identifying the proportions in such a short time scale. Because of that, I was getting frustrated and each subsequent drawing was tilting my perspective until I had to give up.
All of the gestures to the right of the red line (or below) were from today. I started disliking this sessions because the drawings looked messy and the proportions felt poor.
Most of the lines were pretty scratchy at first, but I went in after and cleaned them up where I could and I'll be honest - I am proud of these.
I spent a bit longer than a minute on some of these because they were negatively affecting me and I wanted to 'fix' them. The drawing next to the image was the worst culprit and I'm still not happy with it - and this is why i'm questioning my self-harshness.
I brought the image in to trace over to try and help before noticing the layers were merged and I was too frustrated to redo it Originally, the proportions I had done felt constricted, with the torso being too short and the legs just being awkwardly placed. I messed with it so much and in the end left it where it is. I really like the pose though.
My main issue is that i've been trying to learn now for 2 years, and up until doing Art School here my improvements were non-existent. I'm still unable to draw any of my D&D Characters as I wanted to, and this frustrates me. I'm definitely putting more effort into learning now - but I thought I might be able to at least create some artworks, even if they weren't pieces I was proud of.
Maybe it's my impatience (or more likely ADHD) stopping me from sitting for the hours it would take to just create something. I'm not sure. How have you taken the plunge into your first non-learning art pieces?
In other news, I am doing perspective in the morning before work. I've worked on a room that I am honestly happier with.
I've been using Procreate for this on my iPad pro. Doing this made me realise, I have no idea what goes into a room I wanted to draw a lamp on the bedside table, but the rounded bottom kept throwing me off - non-linear shapes are probably my nightmare with perspective. I've gone back to Marc's explanation a view times, but it's not clicking with me.
I'm not totally sure where I want to go with this - I want to add a window, but other than that i'm a little stumped, my bedroom is pretty much empty other than a bed and wardrobe.
I also want to practise more with round objects in perspective and not necessarily 'perfect' circles.
I've seen some other people's work on this and the amount of detail is impressive, I'm not sure how it's done - The monitor was difficult for me to get to that stage
Any feedback or advice is much appreciated.
I'm sorry if i'm a bit negative, I treat art as I would an academic subject and I've been trying to distinguish between the two.