Gesture Drawing
I've done a hundred others of these, but this was the page I just finished today after an exercise and I thought it would be a good idea to start posting online for feedback from other artists. I started off by making the head, ribcage, and pelvis rectangular and have been doing that for the past week, but I just recently started working with ovals instead. I prefer the ovals, but starting with rectangles really helped me learn a LOT. This was also the first time I started filling out the figures as opposed to just making them stick people. I think I'm starting to get it. If there is anything anyone can point out that I can improve upon with my gesture drawings, I would greatly appreciate it. I numbered them just in case that might help.
I'm going to keep doing gestures for the next few days before I move on in the lesson. The next thing should be using cylinders to construct figures, I believe.
About me: Like many, I'm self-taught. But that could only take me so far. Even though I am a decent artist, I realized there was a LOT I could not do on my own. I never learned the fundamentals before. There are many things that I never understood and could never apply. So I joined Marc's art school class. I'm pretty determined, and I'm putting in 2-4 hours each day of practice and drawing time. I've got some pretty big goals and I'm going to reach them!
I know Marc says it's a great idea to get involved in the art community and that it helps improve your art, so that is why I'm posting. This is the first time I've ever posted anything art-related online, lol. Kind of nervous ngl.)
Feb 16, '22
last reply
May 17, '22