Let's use this topic to list all the current badges available and potential new ones we'd like to see!
Default Badges
FIRST SHARE - Shared a post
READ GUIDELINES - Read the community guidelines
FAMOUS LINK - Posted an external link with at least 1000 clicks
GREAT SHARE - Shared a post with 1000 unique visitors
ANNIVERSARY - Active member for a year, posted at least once
GOOD SHARE - Shared a post with 300 unique visitors
HOT LINK - Posted an external link with at least 300 clicks
NICE SHARE - Shared a post with 25 unique visitors
POPULAR LINK - Posted an external link with at least 50 clicks
WELCOME - Received a like
GREAT POST - Received 50 likes on a post. This badge can be granted multiple times
GREAT TOPIC - Received 50 likes on a topic. This badge can be granted multiple times
GOOD POST - Received 25 likes on a post. This badge can be granted multiple times
GOOD TOPIC - Received 25 likes on a topic. This badge can be granted multiple times
NICE POST - Received 10 likes on a post. This badge can be granted multiple times
NICE TOPIC - Received 10 likes on a topic. This badge can be granted multiple times
LVL 3 MEMBER - Granted recategorize, rename, followed links and lounge
LVL 2 MEMBER - Granted invitations
MEMBER - You're no longer a new user, welcome to our community!
New Badges
ART WAR CHAMPION - Awarded to the 1st place winner of Art War
ART WAR WINNER - Art War runner-up
New Ideas
Weekly Winner Badge 1st, 5th, 10th time, etc.
Monthly Winner Badge 1st, 5th, 10th time, etc.
Shop Owner Badge
Helpful/Helper Badge that a mod/admin could give to people who are helping out others.