Hi everyone!
I'm excited to share my journey here with you

So I used to draw a lot since I was a kid... then I stopped because I got really depressed... 3 years ago I started again and about 1 year ago I decided I wanted to take this more seriously... I have taken other courses and classes... yet I often feel very lost.

So I'm really excited to take classes from one of my very favorite artist and to share my progress with you all...

And also, If you want to talk I'm here for you... and also (lmao) I'm really open to criticism :smile:

Welcome to the forums @jlrleon6. I’m very new to Art School too and had a similar experience before with art. Life, emotions and other stuff got in the way. But this time I want to learn every day and reach for my goals. I hope your journey is a fantastic one.

Looking forward to seeing your progress, I find everyone here very friendly and welcoming. ¡Pura Vida!

So, last days I made a practice on gesture and anatomy. I really loved seeing Marc doing the gesture drawings.... because I've notice that he lets himself draw slowly sometimes and others he speeds up.

When I draw I usually make like superfast movements in order to get em clean, but when I tried doing that in certain moments, I felt it more organic and alive.

And also... I haven't found like my way of mannequins.... Boxes feel weird sometimes and spheres too... so I tried to go more "organic".... I'll deeply appreciate your feedback <3

Thank you so much!! Are you from Costa Rica? I'm from Mexico!

Send me a message whenever you want to talk... we're not alone in this journey!!

Pura Vida! :smile:

I am from Costa Rica @jlrleon6! I’ll send you a message for sure. You do the same whenever you want to talk or share some tips. Your work already looks fantastic. :relaxed:

Hi @jlrleon6 and welcome to Art School! I hope you'll manage to achieve your goals. You will improve for sure. Your gestures look pretty nice especially some of the last ones who look, well, more gestural haha! :+1:

Hi Bell! Welcome to the forums! I really love the flow and quality of your lines. Really quite beautiful! In terms of the mannequin I have heard Marc say you will change it over time as you learn more and find what meets your needs. Personally I have used these videos in combination with Marc's to help with my mannequin a lot. Looking forward to seeing your work!

that seems so nice! thank you for the videos!

Thank you! I'm happy to be here. And about the gestural drawings yeah, that makes sense jajaja I will try to repeat the last ones as you say... in thos I center myself in what Marc said about flow

Hi Bell! Nice work on this 1 point perspective assignment, really nice work on all of the thickness on the tables and structures. A few things stand out to me, the first thing is the center area behind the door, it's a bit unclear what is going on. Is it a door, or a window? I think adding a few more features to make it more readable would help a lot. In terms of the angled piece I would pay special attention to make sure the lines are parallel on anything that is angled off the 90 degree angle of the one point perspective. I'm not sure if that makes sense, if not let me know and I will try to explain a different way. Overall though this piece looks really nice and extremely interesting! I definitely want to know more. Nice work and keep it up!

Thank you so much Lockenheim! I'll definitely do that with the door on the left... like I felt something was missing but now that you pointed out is way more clear!!!

Oh! and I think I know what you mean about the 90º... Like... I wasn't sure if I should like use strictly 90º on everything, because I have seen that in more complex drawings, people tend to give anything it's own point of fugue... so having plain 90º sounds impractical in my mind...

... BUT lmao, I've noticed is actually very handy.... and in the lines that I didn't make at strict 90º they tend to give an awkward feeling to the drawing... so as you say, next time I make a 1 point perspective drawing I'll be more cautious of that.

Aaaaand thank you so much for your comments and support Lockenheim <3

No problem, I know they don't all have to be 90 degree but I think if they arn't 90 be careful that the lines are parallel like this. to my understanding they should be parallel but I may be wrong, I did not play with many angles on my 1 point perspective.

Oooooh you're talking about those ones! I completely misunderstood!! And you're sooo right! thank you so much Lockenheim!