Hia! I'm Runi :3
I started this art journey back in 2021, at the time, I didn't have a lot of time and would take the classes out of order or whenever I needed them. lol not the best idea.
but after years of moving around and being sick, I'm finally in a stable place. So, I have decided to restart all the classes and start from scratch. Tho I have been drawing for a long time now, I still have so much to learn.
I started off young as a traditional artist with lined notebook paper covered in as many cute Pokémon drawings as I saw fit and have now transitioned into digital art. Still working on using my tools better though.
For starters and introductions, here's a textured hair study I did. At first, I was pretty intimidated by it, but after I got into it I don't think it was so bad.
Then I drew a little Mimikyu to test out a different way of applying lights and shadows.
Jun 17, '24
last reply
Oct 16, '24