Hey! Your concepts look very nice and clean!
I like how you stay in one lane with you choice of colors!
The faces of these characters, especially the third one, look very good!
The designs of the clothing are thought through and easy to read. The materials are well rendered and recognizable.
And the anatomy of the body and the hands are very well executed.
I noticed though, that some cast shadows are missing, especially in the chest areas of your characters. You included some cast shadows on some parts, but not everywhere. Some of the belts on your first, third and forth character, aren't casting shadows on the layers below them. It looks like these parts aren't stacking on top of each other.
And try to plant the feet of these characters of the ground and adding shadows below them. And completely white backgrounds can be a bit too bright and distracting.

Otherwise very nice character concepts! I hope my feedback is helpful!

Thank you so much for your feedback.
I will try to paint simple background in next concept
About cast shadow, i see that , i focused on rendering and forgot about it, i will give more attention to it next time.
One more time, thanks for your feedback :blush:

No Problem! :smile: And you've done a great job on the rendering, credit where credit is due :smiley: But I suppose in order to finish the concepts, you'll have to add the shadows to convey the volume :smiley:
I mean, I guess you could have white backgrounds, but you would have to integrate the figure into it by adding a bunch of bounce lights on it, since the surroundings are very bright they function like a secondary light source. But it might get a bit crazy if you add bounce lights from every direction haha. But it's also an interesting lighting situation I guess. :smiley:

That mean if i wanna use white background my character's value should be brighter , right ? So i need secondary light source ? . i will notice that, i will try it nextime or i will try with overcast light , it will make my character's shadow not too dark . ( Like below )

I tried my best, I am not a pro, I adjusted the brightness and reinforced some lights with an overlay layer and tried to bring in the white with a soft light layer and mainly the legs. I hope you see what I mean.

This is what I would suggest to unify the character with a white background. :smile: But it's still kinda distracting tbh haha :smiley:
I hope this is helpful

yah i got it. Next time i will make my concept in that direction ( btw the character which you fixed is not mine ).
Thanks for your kindness and enthusiasm

8 days later

This is my new character. Hard to use many light source so i use dark back ground

Amazing! Very nice colors and the background fits perfectly! :smile:

the decision with making a dark background is very good :smiley:
the character is cool, i dig her head piece and the paint on the face