Hello everyone!

I would really appreciate any kind of feedback on this piece I've made recently. It's one of my first paintings, which I have ever done, so even when I am actually quite happy with my result, I would love to learn something from more experienced artists. I want you to know, that I can take hardcore critique and am prepared for it. All I want is just to imrpove my art every day! Thank you so much in advance! Means a lot to me! :blush:

As to the image itself. All I wanted was to picture a mage, who has been possessed with his own magic and went crazy. Had a lot of struggle with the backgroung as I didn't really know where would I like to place him(any better suggestions?).

This is very good and cool for a first piece, you'll get there fast in this rate :smile:

  1. The composition could be more interesting, the image is cropped just beside his hands - try to give your character some breathing space. And to add in some more interesting background elements, since it's a bit lazy (be careful not to pull away the focus from your char tho!)

  2. The values are there, but incorrect. Look at the glowing spell in the foreground - there is no light/glow on his sleeve end (and side clothes) at all. Try to think about where the light will touch other elements. I also think the contrast on the char is too high, I'm looking for some mid-tones.

  3. I like the blue and green, but the colours can be more interesting. Especially the spells are a bit flat: try to use brighter colours and glow effects (I did a tutorial on that today). Maybe add some other colours to the spells and his clothes.

I hope that was helpful, keep it up! :smile:

Hi Enalya,
thank you so much for your advice. :blush:
I might have felt some of these things odd before, but now as you pointed it out I can see it better and understand it. :blush:
I might try to go back to the painting at some point, but as I am still kinda just practicing, I might just go to next one as I believe it would benefit me more to face new problems from which I could learn more and hopefully try to do better job with my values, composition and overall interest of the painting. Also could be more interesting to go back to my "older" paintings once I get more experience and skills right? :smile:

Sure it's fine to move on, if you know what exactly went 'wrong' and you could improve on! Good luck in your journey ^-^

A lot of good stuff have been mentioned already, but one thing I noticed was the right leg. I feel like if you don't raise it, it will be more balanced. My painting professor told me once that one has to be very careful on cropping the legs, and that if possible, just include the feet too. That said, seeing just one knee makes it feel a little off. Like a cup that's at the very edge of a table that makes you feel uncomfortable because you don't know if it will fall off. That feeling kind of cancels the dynamic essence of the composition, which by the way you do have. Anyhow, good concept! He is giving me the creeps, in a good way.


Thanks! You're right. Even though it makes his pose more dynamic, it actually gives odd impression. Guess if I included the legs, it would make more sense. :blush: