Hey everyone!

My name is Charlotte! This is my first time posting on Cubebrush and I'm wondering if it was possible to get some critique for something I'm currently working on?
I'm mostly looking for some feedback about the lighting of the overall piece and the scale of the character/any glaring anatomical issues (except for the obvious hands as they're very unfinished!). I'm having a really hard time trying to get everything to look like it's unified as I know how the colours are quite saturated and I'm not entirely competent in lighting a full scene - only really stand-alone characters.

I would greatly appreciate if someone could do a little paint-over to adjust some shadows/highlights and am very much able to take honest feedback to improve! Thank you!

Just like you would paint a stand alone character is how you can approach painting a scene. You have your 3(and or more lights)So you have a dark blue sky light coming from the top. So try to echo that light downwards on your character. The sun light is your back light and also acts as an rim light. This looks right to me on your paint but needs to be cleaned up. Only area I feel the light might be to much is on the horse head and generally any area past the character. The horse shouldn't get much light due to the character blocking it. The next and last thing to think about is the bounce light coming from the ground. You have some of it showing which is good. I think you need to break the character down into basic shapes and do 1 light at a time. I believe you have most of your elements in there already. Draw you character in boxes to understand the plains and where the lights will go. Hopefully this helps. I currently can't do a PO at the moment

Let me first just say, welcome to cubebrush traveler, I do hope you find what you're looking for here! I'm insanely obsessed with the Medieval/Older time periods and I'd like take say so far amazing job furthermore, I do believe I can help with this quest of yours so let's proceed shall we?

Environment & Character Concept

  • Now there's been something itching at the back of my head the moment I saw this piece and I couldn't quite put my finger on it till now. To me she looks like a Scandinavian warrior of some sort, I say this because of her equipment and facial & hair characteristics. Which comes to make me think.... Isn't she dressed a little to heavily for that desert like surrounding? I see there's a storm brewing however she just looks out of place.

(I honestly believe if your environment were to be changed to a tundra or a snowy landscape that this piece would work so much better. There'd be much more contrast between the carbon black horse and the Ivory white snow.)

I have a lot more I'd like to say however, as always I'm short on time... though I will return!

  • (sorry for not doing an OP I'm still working my way into the digital world and honestly I'm unable to right now as I lack the skill set digitally/ that and I'm at school right now)

Alright now I know I don't have to go and just edit my old post and add more on but I'm stubborn and just like to use up as much space as possible haha.... Kidding. But let's get back on to this crazy train shall we?

Actually upon further inspection your piece is pretty solid and coming along well, I can't wait to see you polish it further, I'll still be here... waiting... .... .... well, get to it!? I need to see the next updated version ASAP! :sunglasses:

  • (take your time, can't wait to see it when it's progressed)

Exofley, signing out.