This is super neat!
I've been procrastinating on getting involved with the Cubebrush forum, but this is a great place to start. Here's to everyone entering! May we all have the discipline and drive to follow through. =)
Quick Rules question: What are some of the specific guidelines on using concepts for 3D submissions? Can we use another artists complete concept? Just use others' works as reference/inspiration?
This is truly an ART WAR. You weren't kidding when you said it'd be nuts, @marc !
Super pumped. Looking forward to what you'll all come up with..!
Hey! Pulled up the specifications from the 3D description for you. You can present your model in whichever manner you prefer! As long as the judges are able to see your final character and the progress/concept behind it, you're good to go! Good luck.
Dimensions: at least 2048x2048 pixels - format of your choice
This is THE image to display your character in all its glory. The character has to be 100% 3D, but the background can be whatever you prefer.
Embedded Marmoset Viewer
Use our new Marmoset embedded viewer to show off your character - this will be used for judging. The .mview file has a 20mb size limit.
Detail Sheet
Dimensions: 2048x2048 pixels
-If you are not uploading your model using the Marmoset viewer, include this sheet in your final submission. This should include both the front and back of your character in a T-pose as well as close-ups of interesting details and areas we can't see well with the Final Image alone. Squeeze everything you have into this one sheet.
So excited for this @marc !! I havent participated in a contest since Retrogasm last year
Could you post a list of the judges names? I recognize most of you from the pictures, but there's a few I'm not familiar with.
Read the 3D Submission Requirements - You have to create your own, it's part of your submission
Read the 3D Submission Requirements should be all there - the UVs are not part of the final submission hence you can do whatever you want. Your final model has to have textures however, be posed and be in its environment (that last part can be 2D)
This is indeed a great thing to end the year. Thanks to @marc and the team
I want to take part in the 3D Art War but I'm not good with concepts can I use Blizzard's WOW character concept for my inspiration.
Good Luck to all the entries