Been very busy these last days. But managed to do a few more exercices.
First a few 5 min gesture practices. Tried to follow some tips from some fellow companions, and I think they worked really well!
Only got to do a few though, I'll have to do some more.
Then I retried some clothing exercices. First round didn't go so well, since I tried to create the clothes fully from imagination.
I mean, it's ok... but I knew there was room for improvement. Got a few tips And retried again, taking my time, placing more attention on the fold shading, and using some references this time.
I think it turned out much better on the second iteration! Learned a lot from it. The one on from the back was intended to be a bit loose, but it probably would be better if it was tighter as per his muscular build.
More than anything, I was happy the second attemtps looked a lot more decent. Progress!
Still working on more exercices. Still looking at the zbrush videos, but my focus is on practicing overall term 3 more and more as I get near to it's conclusion to reaffirm all lessons learned so far.
On the manga side, finished one more page (a few days ago actually), and I've since been working on translation, small details, and I'll do a color piece for the cover this week to get it ready for upload. And then on to chapter 25.
Wew, getting a bit of a headache. Gona go out to take some air and then I'll do some more practice.