After finishing Nozomu chapter 24 (translation, final touch up, upload, scheduled, etc), and facing some incident tickets at work, I was pooped and took a breather.
So did a few exercices to continue the term 3.
Some 5 min gestures first. After the tips I recieved and tried, I've been enjoying making these a lot more, and I think I get more out of these exercices in return.

Muscle exercices, mostly did them to help some fellow term 3 artists, but it also helps me practice muscle identification in references more.

And then more muscle exercices. Dressing up skellys.

And finally came to the exercice to "Study (copy) a fully dressed character painting from an artist/show you like".
It's no secret I love Toriyama's work, and even though Dragon Quest 6 is far from my favorite, I do love the design of the main hero. This design is what I always aspired to when I was a kid. If I could make my manga look like this, I would be satisfied.
So here is the reference.

I decided to get my lazy ass off and try to do proper to this exercice. I tried to do fine linework inking, and fill with lazo selection like marc does, and try my best to use gradient maps as best as possible.

Took several hours, but finally finished it. I'm very happy how the study turned out.

I learned a LOT! I finally feel comfortable working with gradient maps, and I think I got better understand of when to use them, and when to add details manually. Going from auto fill/corrections to fill with lazo was also huge for me. and I even got a feel for proper resolution and details. So very happy with it all around!
No manga work for today, since I just wrapped up chapter 24, but now I jump to start work on chapter 25.
Have a great day! Cheers!