Thank you so much @patrycja.lerch @uggievang @mitsuki-youko @snakker @gregorya @jasminerosepowell!!!
@uggievang @mitsuki-youko Haha, pretty boys is not my preference, but it was still a lot of fun to work on that piece, and it's good practice since I want to be able to do good looking guys and gals 
@snakker @gregorya I kept using references for poses and stuff, at my level I still need to keep building my mental library, but I'm happy with the results so far
. I've no idea how Mevia could wield that axe xD and to be fair, the original description only said se had a great axe, not that it was massive. I just did it huge as I thought it was funny xD, but it's not out of place with some of the fantasy tropes.
@jasminerosepowell It certainly felt overwhelming at first! Many of us are quite shy and introverted, so interacting with other artists, and especially exposing your work can feel very daunting.
Like everything, its matter of taking things one step at a time. I only started to interact with a few people here in the forums, who have been very welcoming and friendly. This in turn game me confidence to interact more and expand the online social circle.
Discord was crazy at first, there are updates almost by the hour at times. And keeping up with socials can almost feel like a second job if you don’t enjoy it. But it’s just like drawing, if you find the joy in it, you just want to do it more!
It can also be a double edge sword, in the sense that if you only do it for personal gratification, and you focus on the likes and what not, your enjoyment depends on others and not necessarily on the experience. Every hobby, and especially social interactions, can become toxic to yourself if not approached in a healthy way.
Overall, it’s mostly about trying to remain positive, focus on helping others and trying to make them feel the way you’d like them to make you feel.
On regards to giving advice, if you don’t feel confident, you don’t need to, and that’s fine, but if you feel the desire to share something, just be sincere. Know that it won’t always be right, and someone with more experience might even correct you (I’ve been corrected hundreds of times), but that’s fine and it’s just part of learning.
Still, if you try to keep it positive and sincere, people appreciate the thought. Try to think of “how would I feel if I was the one this is directed to”, and it’ll be fine.